Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Explore the significance of the past in the play “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” by Eugene O’Neill Essay

At the very start of Long Day’s Journey Into Night, O’Neill sets the scene for the theme of the past being integral to the play directly with the dedication to the love and tenderness of his wife – â€Å"†¦ which gave me the faith in love that enabled me to face my dead at last and write this play – write it with deep pity and understanding and forgiveness for all of the four haunted Tyrones.† This admittance that the play was written as a sort of autobiography, a partial re- telling of O’Neill’s personal history, means that it seems almost intrinsically connected to the past right from the beginning, the intimation from the author being that he wrote it as a form of catharsis in order to deal with the real events from his own life. Consequently the theme of the past is introduced before even the first Act has begun. The idea that he is ‘facing his dead’ is a particularly apt one as at the time of writing the play, the people upon whom its characters are based – O’Neill’s family – had all passed away some years before. His father, mother and elder brother Jamie are all portrayed in the same roles in the play as they had in real life, and with similar histories. The only alteration is that instead of the middle son being named Edmund, O’Neill changes the baby’s name to his own, and calls it Eugene, having the fictional Edmund take the place of himself within the family. The main way in which the characters seem constantly to trap themselves in the past is through their constant blaming of the present upon past events. There is nothing in the present to which they do not attribute any blame, and none of them in any way seem to blame themselves for what has happened to them, preferring instead to blame each other. Consequently none of their conversations can be held without somehow referring to the past, as it is the past upon which they have built their relationships with each other. The relationship between Tyrone and Jamie for example is one in which Jamie blames Tyrone for his miserliness with his money, which he believes is what led to his mother’s addiction to morphine, and her recent unhappiness which caused her to return to the drug. Tyrone blames his son for being an â€Å"evil-minded loafer†, and says thats’notes he is responsible both for making nothing of his own life, and also for leading Edmund astray. In fact, the blame for these character defects does not lie within Tyrone or Jamie as personalities, but rather with the circumstances which caused these traits. For Jamie, his alcoholism and cynicism are largely to do with his discovery of his mother’s drug addiction when he was younger – it is made clear that prior to this discovery, Jamie was talented and enthusiastic, excelling at school and clearly liked by many people. He himself admits that the event had a large bearing on his life in just the same way that he has resorted to alcohol in order to purge himself of the same sort of knowledge about Edmund – â€Å"Christ, I’d never dreamed before that any women but whores took dope! And then this stuff of you getting consumption. It’s got me licked†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Jamie’s cynicism clearly did not exist before he discovered that his mother used morphine, or at least not to the same degree, the fact that he’d ‘never dreamed’ of the idea effective in suggesting how completely distant it was from his mind – and therefore how different his mind must have been from its present s tate of suspicion. The circumstance precipitating Tyrone’s miserliness were similarly ones which he himself did not contrive – when he was only ten years old, his father abandoned the family and Tyrone was forced to go and find work, living a large part of his life in poverty. It is this which has made him so conservative with his money, and reluctant to expend more than is absolutely necessary, preferring to invest it in property, which he believes is the best way to keep it safe. The power of money over him is made particularly clear when the audience are told that, despite his obvious love of acting, he chose financial success over furthering his career, thereby ruining his chances of achieving his ultimate goals. This culture of blame without moving on from it, or attempting to understand the source of it is one of the key factors in preventing the family from escaping from their past – rather every event in the present is related back to some previous action or accusation, without any hope of ever resolving it. This is encapsulated in Mary’s comment â€Å"It’s wrong to blame your brother. He can’t help being what the past has made him. Any more than your father can. Or you. Or I.† – the idea that the whole family has been moulded by past events and cannots’notes move on from them permeates every conversation, as they each hold the other somehow responsible for what has occurred – and because they believe that they themselves should not be blamed for what they did, none of them will accept their portion of the responsibility, nor learn from what has happened. Throughout the play we see the same basic errors happening time and time again – the nature of the tendency of each character to continually place blame for the present on something which another did in the past means that the occurrences of the past are constantly being bought forward into the present, and because no character will accept their blame, there seems to be no way to move forward into a future which is not largely concerned with what has happened before. What this ultimately leads to is a past which is largely cyclical. As no character will relinquish their grip on the past and what has happened before, by accepting blame from it, or learning from it, the same problems and occurrences repeat themselves. For example, Mary resumes taking her morphine, just as she had done before, and despite seeing the same signs leading up to it as before, the family, with the exception of Jamie, remain blind to it for some time. Tyrone is continually cheated out of money by McGuire, whose questionable skills as a property realtor hardly ever yield any profit to Tyrone himself – and yet he does not learn from his past either, and continues to do the same thing at no gain to himself. Their sheer inability to take anything from the past, or to leave it alone, means that nothing in the play is occurring for the first time – in a way, everything about the present in which the Tyrones are living is also the past. A quote from Mary – â€Å"The past is the present, isn’t it? It’s the future, too†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – is particularly fitting to explain the way in which they are living. The structure of the novel echoes this confusion of times – the play occurs all in the space of one day, and yet it deals with the problems both of the future and of the forty or so years previous. This idea that everything is simply a recurrence of something which has happened before -and what will continue to happen for the rest of time- is analogous to the title, in that everything could simply have happened in one â€Å"Long Day†, with the past, present and future simply merging into one twenty-four hour time periods’notes Living one’s life trapped in a repeating cycle of the past is not particularly conducive to being happy, as there is no real hope to look forward to when you are simply repeating the same things over and over again- as Jamie says, â€Å"†¦ weary roads is right. Get you nowhere fast. That’s where I’ve got-nowhere. Where everyone lands in the end, even if most of the suckers won’t admit it†, and so all of the characters have devised their own way of ‘escaping’, which controls the way in which they act throughout the play. For Jamie, the feeling that he hasn’t actually achieved anything because he has never been able to move on is something that he only finally admits to when drunk, but which reveals the sense of hopelessness he feels from being stuck in a loop. Slightly later in the play he confides to Edmund â€Å"I’d begun to hope, if she’d beaten the game, I could, too†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – his hope that his mother had shrugged off her addiction, and that the future would no longer be a repetition of the past had been very important to him, as it offered a way out. However, that hope disappeared, and he resorted back to his usual escape of drinking alcohol, which is what he does for most of the duration of the play. Tyrone also drinks in order to escape the past, although unlike Jamie he also attempts to escape the repetition of the past by denying the fact that it is being repeated – he refuses to recognise Mary’s symptoms until they are undeniably obvious, preferring to believe her lies rather than admit to what is going on. In that respect, he is unlike Jamie, whose cynicism prevents him from being able to overlook things as he chooses. Mary, however, does not attempt to escape the past in the same way that Jamie and Tyrone do, but prefers, though the use of morphine, to escape the present and return to the happiest phase of her life, during the early years of her marriage to Tyrone and her time at the convent, playing the piano. Reminders of the present, such as her hands, which have become unsightly due to rheumatoid arthritis, appal her, and as the play progresses and the morphine takes her over more and more, she regresses further and further back into the past. Her reaction to this re-living of the past is to attempt to return to her favoured part of it. Edmund’s attempt to escape the past is most notable in that at one point, he actually did succeed – during his time sailing, he says that he â€Å"became drunk withs’notes the beauty and the singing rhythm of it, and for a moment I lost myself – actually lost my life. I was set free!†. The idea that he became ‘drunk’ with it alludes to Tyrone and Jamie’s drunken attempts to escape the past, although where they used alcohol, it seems that he used nature – he continues to refer to other occasions when he has felt free in a similar way, and all of them took place in a natural setting. For an audience, this liberation and sense of the natural world starkly contrasts with the three rooms and claustrophobic conversation in which the play is set, and so it is an excellent way to illustrate the total freedom which Edmund has attained. Edmund attempts to recreate this sensation by trying to express it through the use of poetry – however, he says that he will never truly be able to express it how he would like to, saying that even what he just said was just ‘stammering’. â€Å"Stammering is the native eloquence of us fog people†, is the way in which Edmund describes his inability to describe the feeling – this reference to fog people is particularly interesting as throughout the play, the fog is almost a symbol of the past. As the day wears on, the fog returns to cloud over the landscape around them, and so Mary’s illness returns to cloud over the present and send her further back into the past. This pathetic fallacy of the weather responding to Mary’s haziness in her own mind is also effective in creating the sense of claustrophobia which comes from being trapped in the same circumstances over and over again – just as the fog can be very claustrophobic and hide everything else from view, so the past traps the family in and prevents them from seeing the present clearly. Edmund also suggests in that quote that the whole family are ‘native’ fog people – almost that there is something about the way in which they live which they cannot help, but which they are genetically programmed to do. This is curious because it is perhaps the most impartial opinion expressed by one of the characters, and entirely without blame on any one of them. This perceptiveness of Edmund and the ability to reflect ‘from a distance’ on what is going on is perhaps due to the fact that he is acting as the author’s representation of himself. Another role of the past in the play is that it motivates the creation of an atmosphere of censorship and non-admittance. The audience is slow to find out s’notes about the exact nature of Mary’s illness, for example, because the characters do not want to talk about the worse aspects of what happened before, and so as a topic of conversation it is forbidden by unvoiced consent until eventually Jamie faces up to the fact that she seems to be returning to her old condition. This state of affairs seems to have come about as a form of resistance – as if by not speaking about something, they will somehow avoid it happening again and be able to continue as normal. Similarly Mary and Edmund attempt to pretend, to varying degrees, that his illness is other than it is – Mary by calling it a cold and dismissing it, and Edmund to a lesser extent by calling it Malaria, which is more easily cursed, and continuing to drink as if he were not at risk of damaging his healt h. It is clear that the family refuse to talk about quite a number of incidents and feelings – things which only really come out when they are under the effect of either alcohol or morphine – such as the death of Eugene and Mary’s incident on the dock in her nightgown, because such events unlock emotions and feelings which they have hidden in order to protect each other. Mary doesn’t talk about how she blames Jamie for giving Eugene the measles, or how she blames Edmund for her drug addiction when she is in her right state of mind, because she realises that those aspects of the past are too hurtful. Tyrone attempts to prevent her from continuing to speak of them when she does begin, in case one of the boys should hear. Although the past is virtually all that is discussed, there are certain sections of it which the family attempt to bury behind them. The main occurrence of the play is the return of Mary’s ‘illness’ – her return to taking morphine, and other than this very little else actually physically happens to any of the characters during the play. That her illness is actually characterised by a return to the past is particularly important as regards the past as a theme behind the play. It is quite clear to the audience that what Mary is experiencing – this return to her past – is an actual physical illness, and that something is definitely wrong with her mind. This leads to the consideration that the whole family’s return to the past could also be deemed an ‘illness’, and without the presence of Mary’s actual illness it would not be as easy to see that the frame of mind in which the Tyrones live is somehow unhealthy. Mary’s s’notes regression into her past also serves to reveal a great deal of truths about the other characters in the play and what had happened to them before, as well as a number of the deeper-held secrets which the family usually did not discuss, such as Eugene’s death and where the blame for it lies. That the rest of the family seem ashamed that Mary would make such an accusation and blame it on her mental instability, when they are perfectly happy to blame and accuse each other all the time is rather ironic, and so Mary’s illness serves to highlight the problems with the rest of the family and the way in which they function. In terms of the message of the play, and what the audience take away with them, it seems that the past is also of significance, in that the play is something of a warning as to what the consequences might be if people never moved on. Of course, it is therefore quite appropriate that O’Neill wrote it as a part of his own moving on, and his own way of putting the past behind him. The ending of the play is almost anticlimactic in that it just finishes, with no conclusion or rounding-off of the story – simply that the end of the day has been reached, and this too mirrors the idea that there is no end and therefore no past when the past is relived as if it is the present and the future, too. Of all the themes in the play, the past is by far the most significant of them all, not least because the author wrote it as a semi-autobiographical work. It is the driving force behind the way the characters act, the way they interact and the way in which the atmosphere deteriorates from a rather hopeful one at the beginning of the play into one rather devoid of hope at the end, as the ‘Long Day’s Journey Into Night’ is completed, with Mary fully under the influence of the morphine and the other characters having apparently given up on her salvation and also their own conversation. The feeling of being trapped in the past – what O’Neill was attempting to get rid of by ‘facing his dead’ and writing it all down as a work of fiction – dominates the atmosphere of the play, without which the power of the piece would be lost.


There is a positive correlation between the longer a child attend pre-school and high IQ scores. Children who can afford to spend a lot of time in pre-school have parents who are wealthy and likely educated, providing them with good genes and thus are likely to have high IQ scores. Children with high IQ scores perform well in pre-school and incentives their parents to keep them in pre-school longer. Part C. 16. The hypothesis is that students will understand math material better when they duty while listening to classical music. 7. The independent variable is the setting in which the students study, whether that is with classical music or no classical music. 18. The dependent variable is how well the students perform on the math test administered after one month 19. The experimental group is the group of students who study math while listening to Mozart. 20. The control group is the group of students who study without listening to music. 21 . There isn't really a placebo group, no on e is receiving a fake treatment, they are either listening to music or not. 22. Mr†¦Ross randomly assigned students to the group that they are in to help prevent confounds. He also administered the same math test to both groups of students. 23. Experimenter bias is possible because Mr†¦ Ross could have graded the math test differently based on what group the student was. Also he could have interpreted the difference between the two groups as a result of the music but it really was Just random chance. 24. The hypothesis is that Hawthorne believes that employees working in brighter light environments will have increased productivity. 25.The independent variable is he setting in which the employees work, whether it is bright or dark environments. 26. The dependent variable is the productivity of the workers. 27. The experimental group is the group of employees that work in the brighter work environment (100 watt lighting). 28. The control group is the group of employees that work in the regular lighting area (70 watt lighting). 29. There is no placebo because there is no fake treatment or pill that is given for psychological benefits of the patients, there are just 2 group, one with 100 watt lighting and one with 70 watt lighting.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Benefits of Tricare

With so many different types of healthcare coverages out there it’s not an easy process going about finding the best coverage for those of military service and their family. One of the most important benefits of military service is Health Care. TRICARE is a healthcare program by the Department of Defense that provides health care coverage for medical services, medications, and dental care for military families and retirees and their and survivors.â€Å"The United States Department of defense operates a substantial program to provide medical services to active duty and retired members of the armed forces, their dependents, and their survivors through the Military Health Services System (MHSS)† (Shi & Singh, 2012). â€Å"The MHSS is equipped to provide medical care worldwide† (Shi & Singh, 2012). â€Å"It operates 59 hospitals and 364 clinics to serve an eligible population of 9. 6 million at a annual budget of $50 billion, according to the Department of Defenseâ €  (Shi & Singh, 2012).Since healthcare is so important TRICARE brings together the health care resources of the Army, Navy and Air Force and supplements them with networks of civilian health care professionals to provide better access and high quality service while maintaining the capability to support military operations. Active Duty and Guard and Reserve service members are automatically enrolled in TRICARE Prime. However military dependents and retirees must choose the TRICARE option that best suits their needs.One of the most important benefits of TRICARE is guaranteed insurance at a low premium. More benefits associated with TRICARE includes a broad choice of care providers, no enrollment fee, wide availability and the option of using the TRICARE Extra program, which allows the insured to select any physician, in or out of network. TRICARE also offers the services of military health care and provides supplemental services from civilian health care networks and pharmacies.As a response to the challenge of maintaining medical combat readiness and due to the increasing number retirees while providing the best health care for all eligible personnel, the Department of Defense introduced TRICARE. TRICARE is a regionally managed health care program that brings together the health care resources of the Army, Navy, and Air Force and supplements them with networks of civilian health care professionals to provide better access and high quality service while maintaining the capability to support military operations. TRICARE offers soldiers and their families’ affordable health care when they need it the most.Three main coverages of TRICARE which are TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Extra, and TRICARE Standard and the many different services covered by TRICARE. In conclusion the main challenge for most eligible beneficiaries is deciding which TRICARE option; Prime, Extra or Standard is best for them. Active duty soldiers are enrolled in TRICARE Prime and pay no fees while active duty family members pay no enrollment fees, but they must choose a TRICARE option and apply for enrollment in TRICARE Prime. There are no enrollment fees for active duty families in TRICARE Prime.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Company Analysis from an Employee Perspective Essay

Company Analysis from an Employee Perspective - Essay Example In June 2012, the company release Microsoft Surface, its first Microsoft hardware based computer. To compete with Gmail, Microsoft release, a webmail service in July 2013. It also acquired Yammer in the same year, a social network website and Windows 8 Phone. Anticipating demand, Microsoft also increased the number of its outlets in 2012. The concern has high current ratio. This means that the company is not utilising its cash reserves efficiently and not leveraging on short term debt. Microsoft is holding an enormous cash balance that is an asset not producing anything. This lowers the overall return on the assets and thereby increases the cost of capital. Microsoft has been consistently working on high cash and this indicates a lazy behaviour of the company. Ideal current ratio is 2:1 Current Ration for the year 2012 was at 2.60. We observe that not much of a change has happened over the past year. The firm has had high cash reserves in the past year as well to the tune of 51% of the total assets. Maintaining high cash persistently reflect poor strategic planning and management (Business Ferret, 2011). Return on Assets helps to determine the percentage of profits a company is making to finance all of its assets. This ratio also judges the efficiency of management to utilise company’s assets to generate enough profits. This kind of judgement on management strength is of keen interest to possible employees. The company has been consistently showing strong and healthy return on assets. However, ROA for 2013 shows a rise from 14.77 to 15.31%. For software companies, high ROA is a good indication because these companies do not need much of cash for their assets. However, for Microsoft, high denominator is due to high amount of cash holdings. This is not a very good sign. ROA, when adjusted with cash, stands at 33.4%. Such high cash contributes towards

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The impact of social media on public relations profession worldwide Research Paper

The impact of social media on public relations profession worldwide - Research Paper Example Public relation main priority is to provide goodwill to induce the public perception towards them (Noor & Hendricks, 2012). It is estimated that the number of individuals using the social media has been increasing over the years and that in the year 2012; the number was 1.43 billion people. Before the advent of social media, usernets were being used as alternatives of social media. They were first invented in the 1979 by Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis. They were used in permitting persons to posts articles for people to read on the internet. Secondly, were the BBSs (Bulleting Board Systems) which were invented in the late seventy century. They allowed users to log in and interact with the other although it had limitations. Thirdly, were the online services which were made the internet more universal to individuals in the United States. Fourthly, was the IRC,ICQ and instant messaging which was developed in the 1989 and allowed for sharing and keeping in touch with others within the societ y. Then there were the earliest forms of social networks which were the dating sites. They were invented when people migrated to the online world. It was then followed by forums which acted as a precursor to the social web. They came with a user friendly interface making it easier for users to use. Six degrees then followed the forums in 1997and it was the first modern social network. It permitted consumers to create profiles and make friends with others in the society. This was then followed by AsianAvenue which was created between 1997 and 2001. They permitted users to create their profiles and add new friends. However, they had few innovations features imbedded in them. Live Journal was the next in line. It was invented in 1999 and allowed users to create static profiles and was build around blogs. Last to mark these developments and usher in the major social advances was world of warcraft. The period that followed this was marked by major advances in social networking and they w ere friendster, Hi5, linkedIn, MySpace, Face book among others. The Users of Social Media There are numerous social media users who register for the different available sites under different names and profiles. The breed of social media personalities varies depending with the reasons on which they join the sites. There are those users known as the ultras who have addiction of checking new feeds dozen times a day. Secondly, the dippers are known to have social media accounts but check their pages irregularly and go for days or weeks without even posting a comment or replying to a post (Straubhaar, LaRose & Davenport, 2012). Thirdly, are the deniers who think that social media do not control their lives, but becomes anxious when they are not able to access the internet. Fourthly, are the virgins who are known to take first cautious steps to the social media. Fifthly, are the Lurkers who are always keen on what others are sharing or saying, but rarely responds to the talks. They normal ly hide in the shadows of cyberspace as they do not want their identity revealed or noticed by those who actively participate in the social media. Sixthly, the peacocks are users of social media who have a high number of followers or fan and are known to actively participate in social media conversation through their re-tweets and likes (Deuze, 2011). Seventhly, are the ranters who

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Topic Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Topic Proposal - Essay Example Men object strongly to wearing a condom every time they have sex and would certainly object to the intrusiveness of any law requiring them to do so, but have no compulsions about demanding that a woman destroy her body because they didn’t. 1. Women, as independent free citizens of the world, have a right to make their own choices regarding their own bodies. Pregnancy can present numerous serious health risks and even more minor risks. At the least, the woman will experience weight gain, varicose veins, stretch marks and a potential caesarian scar if they go through with a pregnancy. 2. Women will continue to exercise their right to decide the direction of their own body even if it is taken away by law as ample evidence regarding illegal and unsafe abortions abounds from the era before it was made legal. 3. The Constitution protects the rights of women as U.S. citizens and therefore gives them the legal right to determine what to do with their body and places protections in place for her health and well-being. The fetus, not yet born and therefore not a U.S. citizen yet, has no such protections in place, nor should it at least until it is viable (able to survive outside of the womb). 4. Fetuses in fertility labs are destroyed all the time and thousands of pregnancies are never brought to term for a variety of natural and unnatural reasons so it is unreasonable to attempt to protect the rights of the not-yet-born, particularly when they infringe upon the rights of the already living. 1. Evidence exists to illustrate that the fetus is able to feel pain well before it is viable outside the womb, indicating that it is a living, feeling being and therefore should be protected under the law. 2. Legal abortions introduces the possibility for men to bully women into having an unwanted abortion or to use her unwillingness to have this abortion as an excuse to continue beating her or otherwise abusing her. By

Friday, July 26, 2019

Question answering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question answering - Essay Example However, at one point, all lies come to light and for Enron that moment was when they filed for bankruptcy. The aspect of the company filing for bankruptcy was one of the worst happenings in the history of the United States. Before the company filed for bankruptcy, the last bankruptcy case reported, which was known as the largest in the history of the United States was the 1987 Texaco Bankruptcy case. Texaco filed for bankruptcy with an asset level that was as high as $35.9 billion. There were several causes that were assumed to have caused this shift. Primarily, one of the key issues identified by the case as the cause of the flaws was the inappropriate accounting principles. Primarily, the accounting principles the company used were either flawed or / and unethically done. Some of the issues encountered in the handling of the case are the fact that they went unnoticed for a number of years. One would ask, how can these happen and go undetected for years. Well, in most cases, such issues can easily be identified by anyone who analyzes the various financial reports. However, this was not the case for Enron Corporation. One of the key reasons that these mistakes went unnoticed by the management was the financial structuring of the organization. Enron had a risk management platform which they used a third party to insure themselves from loss. However, the downside is that Enron owned the largest shares in these third party institutions (LJM1 and LJM2). As such, by the time the organization was going broke, their insurer was also going broke. However, this was not an accident. The structuring of the organization was purposely created this way, by a former executive vice president and financial and a few interested stakeholders. This way, the few interested stakeholders would financially benefit themselves at the risk of the shareholders of Enron. Any financial issue that counters an organization somehow roots itself

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Concept of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Concept of Globalization - Essay Example Businesses and markets across the world are now linked such that a business in one country can have customers from any part of the world. This is as a result of expanded business operations and easy access of world markets resulting to globalization of markets. Advancement in IT has aided in removing physical barriers like boundaries. Factors of production are central in the globalization process since nations exhibit differences in quantity and quality of these factors (Lechner, 2009). Nations that have less of one or more factors e.g. labor tend to seek it from others while they export what they have in surplus e.g. food in case land is put into proper use. Due to this interaction global institutions have emerged e.g. UN, IMF and The World Bank among others that control interaction between nations (Haugen and Mach, 2010). Some offer credit, others ensure peace and stability while others ensure credibility of international trade. Globalization has turned the world into one big marke t place where nations showcase what they have in plenty and seek what they are short of. Consumers are now free to shop for commodities from any part of the world. In the process goods and services, money and culture are exchanged making the world to be one big community. References Haugen, D. M. and Mach, R. (2010). Globalization. Greenhaven. Lechner, F. J. (2009). Globalization: The making of world society. Wiley-Blackwell.

In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual Research Paper

In what ways has technology ended the physical and intellectual isolation of Americans - Research Paper Example revolution. This â€Å"technological determinism† incorporated technology and science in impacting the society and its processes; thus widely accepted by progress-oriented Americans. Believers of humankind’s steady moral and material improvement such as Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin championed the pursuit of science and technology for human betterment. The twentieth century commenced with the advent of professional advertising associated with dominance of technology. Challenges were however unavoidable especially with the social, economic and emotional effects that technological change posed on human life. While adherents were constantly swayed by its dynamism, scholars of technology and culture wondered how something so evidently wrong-headed attracted so much attention. It is therefore evident that the leaders of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment in their faith and enthusiasm toward technology as a liberating force perceived technological determinism as an intellectual heritage. Additionally, the proponents and skeptics in addition to conjuring the deterministic thinking both believed that technology and science were powerful social change agents.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Accountability in Reporting Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Accountability in Reporting Memo - Assignment Example However, that was not the case for either of the two entities. Over the years, the press has helped to expose the corrupt and malicious behavior and activities that go on in these organizations. Some of this behavior includes people bribing managers in order to be employed or be given contracts and discrimination in terms of ethnicity, gender and tribe (Mishra, 2005). The activity that has raised the greatest outrage from the public is embezzlement of government funds by top executives and employees. These activities caused the public to demand accounting information from government entities and non-profitable organizations. The public became keener in the activities carried out by these organizations and how funds are used. It became mandatory for governmental entities and non-profitable organizations to adjust their financial accounting policies so as to satisfy the demand of the public. Over the years, non-profitable organizations and governmental entities have worked towards ensu ring that they produce financial information that is clear by following all the accounting standards (Ruppel,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

E- business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

E- business - Research Paper Example as brought in the business world, theories that govern the E- business and thereby highlighting the applications used in the computers to support E-business. The term E -business is generally used to describe any kind of business that is done on the internet, or utilizing internet technologies to improve the productivity and the profitability of a business. It is a firm which conducts most of its daily business functions over the internet and other electronic networks (BusinessDictionary, 2012). Despite E -business tracing its emergence back to 1997, it’s still on its early stages of use, especially in third world countries. The united Consensus Becan, defines it as any procedure that a business organization or company happens to conducts over a mainly computer dependent network. This process involves the production of customer satisfaction and the internal management focused on a business process. The process itself takes place online, it involves all users via internet and to specified users via extranet. The three main types of E- business include; business to customer (B2C) which is basically the exchange of information products or services that involves a business firm and a customer via internet. The other type of E- business is business to business (B2B). It involves large money transfers (Yale University, 2012). B2B is responsible for constantly changing corporate buying habits. A good example is a car company selling parts to car dealers of other companies r ather than dealing with customers directly. Business to Government (B2G) is another form of business, which is basically the online exchange of information between a business company and government agencies via electronic means as is the case where a company offering electronic task firm. Transactions that occur within the selected E business process are completed when an eventual agreement is finally reached between the two negotiating parties involved. This involves the buyer and the seller.

Monday, July 22, 2019

HUman CApital Management Essay Example for Free

HUman CApital Management Essay However, only since two decades ago, he whole culture of human resource management changed drastically due to extensive influence of internet, wireless connection and Steve Job. This paradigm shift of HRM was mooted by most of the present Fortune 500 companies such as Apple, Google and Bloomberg. These companies which was formed about two decades ago changed the landmark of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Department changed role from hiring and administrating workforce for the company to engaging and managing talent and human capital to add value to the organizations performance and success. The trend was established that human apital or the people of the organization are the core which shall be well capitalised requirement changed drastically. One of it is the performance management of this human capital. This literature analysed on what are the problem faced in measuring performance management or appraisal of staffs, the factors prompting organization to reconsider or overhaul their performance management system and on how organization could improve the performance management system to suit current SHRM environment which the workforce demands. The problems with the appraisal system were found to be standard of performance measurement, more Judgemental n appraising, poor skills of appraiser and the frequency of performance appraisal. These shortcomings are due to the evolving nature of business environment which are caused by globalization, new approach of people management, knowledge economy, generational expectations, technology advancement etc. Discussion to improve performance appraisal leads to aspect of new philosophy of HRM, improved appraisal model, Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), and defined roles of managers.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Legal Arguments on Same Sex Marriage

Legal Arguments on Same Sex Marriage Yoel Reina Dicks in the Court The limitation of marriage to opposite-sex couples may long have seemed natural and just, but its inconsistency with the central meaning of the fundamental right to marry is now manifest, claimed Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, whom has tailored all court decisions which recognize gay rights. With that knowledge, must come the recognition that laws excluding same-sex couples from the marriage right impose stigma and injury of the kind prohibited by our basic charter. The news on June 26, 2015 captivated American citizens all around the country, news that may have seemed as too much to absorb. If an individual was near a live television set, or near the proximity of any telecommunication broadcast, the chants of victory over laws restricting same-sex couples to marry could be heard at an amplified rate. The issue of gay marriage is a strange one, one which is surrounded by much fervor, emotion and unknown consequences. One must ask, what consequences would that be?, Jim Obergefell fought and won the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, a case that Jim did not have to succumb to as his partner passed away in 2013, just two years prior to his victory. The person I love was physically falling apart, and I was happy and privileged to be able to be there to help him what else would I do? Jim Obergefell (Geidner). To answer the question, the consequence is love. The love to feel and be with someone else regardless of their creed and sexuality, the right all human beings should have. The loss Jim faced was tragic, but the tenacity wielded by this individual to take on thousands who opposed his right to marry is immeasurable. The case of Obergefell v Hodges, begins when two same-sex individuals bring their case into their respective district, another fourteen same sex couples follow suit. These cases reflect the denial of each individuals right to marry, or the right to have a marriage which was performed at a different state be recognized in their home state. These cases were heard in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky. The marriage is between a man and a woman, were the current outlook and law by the defined states. Strangely enough so early on, each state corresponding to its petitioner ruled in their favor. Unfortunately, the representatives of the current law (marriage between a man and a woman), petitioned the decision by the courts. In turn this caused the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to rule in favor of the respondents which in turn reversed the previous ruling by the state courts. The original petitioners decided to continue fighting by escalating the matter to the Sup reme Court. Alas once the petitioners received certiorari by the Supreme Court, each petitioner argued that the reversal by the respondents violate the Fourteenth Amendment by restricting the individuals right to marry or denying its recognition. This situation makes it nearly impossible for an individual to be recognized as a married coupled as the laws are not static nationwide and each state can permit or deny gay-marriage. The emotional approach taken by the petitioner is the claim that they viewed marriage by the institution at a high level and they sought that form of value, and it wasnt an approach to diminish marriage. However, the respondents approach to the situation was that the individuals were attempting not attempting to seek the recognition of marriage, but were in fact looking for a new and unestablished right to marry within the same sex. The respondents reminded the court that marriage is naturally between a man and a woman, the respondents included that the ability for a same- sex couple to marry would demean marriage by its core definition. The respondents also claimed that there is an insufficient amount of democratic discourse to decide on an issue as important as the definition of marriage. Oddly enough the inclusion of a statement as bizarre as same sex couples inability to marry due to the severance of marriage and procreation was also claimed. Both legal arguments were weighted out by the Supreme Court and a decision was to be made, one which sadly did not pass by a large majority ruling, but a ruling in favor of gay marriage was made none-the-less. The Court ruled by majority of 5 to 4 in favor of the petitioners. The verdict, carried by Justice Kennedy (Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan, JJ. joined), initially measured the matter arising from the cases of Michigan and Kentucky, of whether states are obligated to record same-sex marriages (Oyez). The first testament made by the majority ruling in favor of gay marriage was the fact that marriage has evolved over time due to legal and social attributes. A statement identifying every states disarray on the decision of gay marriage was also brought into light. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment also contain a due process clause. Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the due process clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the Government outside the sanction of law. The due process clause was strongly used in winning the rights to marry for same sex couples, as liberties protected by the clause extend to choices that are central to a persons dignity and autonomy. These dignities and autonomous action also stretch into personal beliefs and identity. The Supreme Court parried the respondents arguments of the petitioners not seeking to pursue a right to wed, but in its place pursued an innovative right to same sex marriage, with being inconsistent with the Courts prior method to essential rights, as well as that of matrimonial pairing. The claim that rights could not be restricted only by individuals who have previously exercised them was also made. If this was the case, law would be stale and would not evolve with the times and social changes. This informal approach would restrict groups from invoking rights denied to them in the past (womens right to vote, black equality, etc). Furthermore, same-sex marriage is protected by the equal protection clause, stating that the Court recognized that new insights and societal understandings can reveal unjustified inequality within our most fundamental institutions that once passed unnoticed and unchallenged. The marriage laws confronted by the petitioners are in its core unequal. The laws deprived same-sex couples all the benefits approved to opposite-sex pairs and labor as seriously committing harm, in essence serving to disregard and declare gays and lesbians as inferior. At the end the respondents showed no evidence of marriages severance due to the acceptance of gay marriage. The four Justices who were not in favor of the ruling made their dissenting judgements. Chief Justice Roberts, joined by Scalia, Alito and Thomas, dissented from the majority claiming that the Constitution of the United States does not allow judges to refabricate the definition of marriage as it is a decision to be made by the legislature. Chief Justice Robert finalized his dissent by claiming that the majority had no legal basis for its conclusion. Scalia was in agreement with Justice Roberts dissent but included that citizens were robbed of their freedom to govern themselves. After reading over the case and assessing the competition Jim had I am overwhelmed with joy and thanks to this individual and all those who have fought for my right to legally get married. It is a horrendous thought and a very treacherous approach to deny an individual rights granted to another individual. There was reservation saved specifically for Judge Thomas who is of African American heritage, an individual who shared a history of ancestors whom faced a similar struggle towards equality. Although the African American struggle was much harsher than that of gay rights, it was a struggle none-the-less which should give an understanding and compassion towards the importance of civil liberties and rights for all, one he seemed to forget. I could not imagine a world where I could not marry the person I love, to be told that I am different and do not have that right. This case is one that puts law into a perspective that not everything is set in stone. Law mutates, it changes and adjusts to the times may they be impacted by the environment or social changes. It also begs to question the Constitution as a whole, does it not? What is the difference between a dream and the U.S. Constitution when both can be translated based on the outlook of the individual, in this case the courts. Alas, although the Courts did have a majority ruling for gay rights, unfortunately there are dicks (no pun intended to the case), whom are still sitting in the court whove not adjusted to the times itself.

Conditions for the Haber Process

Conditions for the Haber Process In this essay I will find out what are the best conditions for the production of the maximum yield in the Haber process, by running simulations of the Haber process at different conditions to determine the best conditions. From the Experiment I found that the lowest temperature possible and the highest pressure possible would provide the best conditions to operate the Haber process at for the maximum yield possible. Introduction The Haber process is an important Process used in chemical Industry to manufacture Ammonia from Nitrogen and Hydrogen that originate in the air. The reason why its very important is it turns an inert gas Nitrogen (N2) and a very volatile and reactive gas Hydrogen (H2) into ammonia which is a stable compound but reactive enough to be used in different aspects. Why was the Haber process discovered? During the First World War Britain Cut off Germany Supply route to Chiles salt peter natural deposits. Since the Allies (Russian Empire,  United Kingdom,  France,  Canada,  Australia,  Italy, the  Empire of Japan,  Portugal  and the  United States) has gained control over the natural deposits of saltpetre from natural deposits found in Chile, therefore cutting off Germanys access to materials that the needed to produce necessary items such as food, guns, bombs other war materials.   Germany has to find ways to produce its own hence the Haber process which was discovered in 1909 by a German chemist named Fritz Haber to produce ammonia was set into industrial scale in 1913; the produced ammonia was later processed into a Synthetic Form of Chile saltpetre Introduction The Haber process is the process that uses extracted nitrogen from the atmosphere and reacts the nitrogen (N2) gas would react with 3 moles of hydrogen (H2) gas by using a medium temperature around 473K-673K (200- 400 °C) High atmospheric pressures such as 250 atmospheres (25331250 Pascal) and a catalyst to create ammonia (NH3). Due to advancements made to technology we are able to do reaction at extremely high temperatures such as 2300K (2026 °C) and we know that a reaction occurs faster when conducted at the highest temperature possible but the Haber processs success is not calculated on the speed of the reaction but on the yield of the ammonia that is produced during the reaction. Although increasing the temperate would surly increase the rate of reaction in a normal forward reaction the problem with using this method on the Haber process is its not a normal forward reaction type of reaction but is an equilibrium type of reaction. The Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Very High heat, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia Reducing the temperature will cause the equilibrium system to change the point of equilibrium to minimise the effect of the change, and hence it will produce more heat due to an increase the exothermic reaction therefore causing the wanted increase in the yield of ammonia. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Low heat, High pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia However, the rate of the reaction at very lower temperatures is exceptionally slow, and so a higher temperature should be used to increase the speed of the reaction which results in a lower yield of ammonia but a temperature low enough to create more ammonia than use in the reverse reaction hence we have the final equation is an which an above normal ammonia production. N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst   2NH3(g) ammonia Increasing the pressure condition of the haber chamber causes the equilibrium position to shift to the right resulting in an increased yield of ammonia because ammonia has more gas molecules (more moles) on the left hand side or the forward reaction of the equation (4 in total 3 Hydrogen and 1 Nitrogen) than there are on the right hand side or backwards reaction of the equation (2 in total 2NH3). N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen High Temperature, Low pressure, catalyst 2NH3(g) ammonia Increasing the pressure means the system will have to adjust to reduce the effect of the change, which is reducing the pressure built up by reducing the amount of moles that can be located in the equilibrium reaction. Uses as ammonia One of nitrogens upper most important uses is in making ammonia (NH3), which is a colourless gas with a strong odour, similar to the smell of urine because urine contain some most definitely contains ammonia. The production of ammonia changes the non oxidation properties of nitrogen as the Oxidation reaction. Pharmaceuticals Used in the manufacture of drugs such as sulphonamide which inhibit the growth and multiplication of bacteria buy the removal of replacing the aminobenzoic acid for the synthesis of folic acids and minerals as well as vitamins and thiamine. Fertilizer An important usage of ammonia is in the making of fertilizers. Ammonia can be used directly as fertilizer by adding it to irrigation water because plants need a good supply of nitrogen in order to grow and which ammonia is able to provide. It is also used to produce the urea (NH2CONH2), which is also used as a fertilizer. Another important use of ammonia is to create nitric acid (HNO3), which is then also used to make fertilizer. The Haber Process didnt lonely provide the Germans with Saltpetre but revolutionized the agriculture industry with an increased yield in crop production enabling them to continue. Cleaning Products Many people use household ammonia as a disinfectant. Nitric acid-made form ammonia-is used in explosives. Ammonia is also used in the plastic industry and as a feed supplement for livestock. The dipole moment of this compound and this is consistent with its geometry, a triangular pyramid due to its electronic arrangement obeying the octet rule, Four pairs of electrons three bonding pairs and one lone pair repel each other giving the molecule the triangular pyramid shape of bond angles of 107 degrees is close to the tetrahedral angle of 109.5 degrees. The electronic arrangement of the valence electrons in nitrogen is described as sp3 hybridization of atomic orbitals. The NH3 molecules and their ability to make hyrodgen bonds explains thir polarity and high solubility of ammonia in water. A chemical reaction occurs when ammonia dissolues in water as it acts as a base acquiring a hydrogen ion from H2O to ammonium and hydroxides ions NH3(aq) + H2O(l) NH4+(aq) + OH-(aq) The production of hydroxide ions when ammonia dissolves in water gives the solution of ammonia its alkaline characteristics (basic properties), The double arrow in the equation states that an equilibrium has been reached between the dissolved ammonia gas and ammonium ions The ammonium ion acts as a weak acid aqueous solution because it dissociates to form Hydrogen ion and ammonia. (Shakhashiri, 2008) This is why dissolved ammonia is used in cleaning products because its able to react with both and acid stain and alkaline stain meaning its an all round cleaning products even though the acid is weak its strong enough to deal with domestic stains. Explosives Sodium Nitrate is a Chemical compound with the chemical compound of NaNo3 has been referred to as Chile saltpetre before. And is produced by a reaction of a metal and an acid to produce a salt and is highly soluble in water. (Quote) Sodium Nitrate can be used as a fertilizer and as a material from the production of explosive gunpowder. Naturally gun powder is a rapid burning compound made of Carbon (C12) potassium nitrate, KNO3 and Sulfur and is used in guns because of its capacity to burn in a rapidly producing enough pressure to propel a bullet and not explode. (Quote) Sodium nitrate has antimicrobial properties when used as a food preservative. It can be used in the production of nitric acid by combining it with sulfuric acid. It can used as a substitute oxidizer used in fireworks as a replacement for potassium nitrate commonly found in gun powder. Because sodium nitrate can be used as a Phase Change Material it may be used for heat transfer in solar power plants. Imporantance of Nitrogen Nitrogen gas (N2) is often used as a substitution for air which is a mixture of 78% nitrogen 78%), Oxygen 20%, and 1% of other gases such as Water Vapour Argon and Carbon dioxide (0.03%). where oxidation is unwanted. One area for use is to maintain the freshness to food products by packaging them in nitrogen gas to reduce the fermenting of food due to its properties for preventing oxidization which can cause Rancid unpleasant odour or taste of decomposing oils or fats ( Argon has been used as replacement for air in light bulbs to prevent the heated tungsten filament from reacting with the oxygen found in air because Argon is an inert gas but is expensive so ammonia can be reverted back to Nitrogen gas by the process gentrification to replace Argon in light bulbs and is cheaper inert material than Argon. Nitrogen is also used as a controlled storage and Transportation measure food packages due to its capacities to be used as a noble gas, to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables and is now used during storage to displace most of the oxygen in the containers, for the purpose of slowing down the reparation and deterioration of food as proven in biochemistry as in aerobic respiration 32 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecules and 2 ATP molecules are created from one glucose molecule which is a clear sign that respiration and deterioration of food occurs at 16 times slower during anaerobic respiration which respiration without the presence of oxygen, than respiration occurring aerobically which is respiration with oxygen present. Investigation Design To do this Investigation I will be using a simulator that allow we to change the conditions of the Haber process chamber and notice the change in the yield and work out the direction that the equiliburm will take with extra options such as catalysis. Firstly I had to decide what the 2 variables I would be looking at during this investigation and decided that the dependant variable will be the yield of ammonia that I would receive from running the simulations. The Controlled variable will be the temperature and atmospheric pressure that the reaction will be taking place. Another variable that I looked at was if the reaction will be taking place in the presence of a catalyst of not. It was decide that due to the lack of acquiring two or more simulations that were able to run the haber process reaction in the presence of a catalyst The uncontrolled variable would be required in this reaction because the aim of the reaction is to achieve a dynamic equilibrium which is a reaction in which the forward reaction and backward reaction are equal in a closed environment. Meaning all variables and atoms present are controlled and accounted for. Set both simulations at the same pressure and temperature to and begin the reaction recorded both results and create a table of results and find the mean of both tables. Redo the experiment changing the controlled variables every time and recording the yield of the reaction at those conditions Create a Graph using both the mean table to display the results that where shown in the table. This Is the haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature of 300oC and 191 atmospheric pressure. Which will give me the amount of ammonia produced in grams and will be working out in percentage of the nitrogen used to allow compatibility of the 2 different simulations that one will be using. Is the Haber process taking place without the presence of an iron catalyst at the temperature that the Chateliers Principle indicates will be the most effective in the promotion of increasing the Yield. Because this Simulation cannot give the yield of the Haber process ammonia moles or grams I have to change the data received from the first simulation into compatible data. Results From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states icreasing the pressure will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the right side of the reaction resulting in an increased yield of ammonia since there are more gas molecules Simulation 2 (changing the Pressure but keeping the Temperature at 150) From these results obtained in the diagram above we notice an increase in yield as we increase the pressure of the reaction while keeping the temperature the same which agrees with the information placed in the beginning of the introduction which states the Chateliers Principle states increasing the temperature will cause the equilibrium position to shift to the left side of the reaction resulting in a lower yield of ammonia because the forward reaction is exothermic. And the 0.8 ( r) shows that there is a high positive correlation between the yield amount The Curve tends to show that if the pressure was increased any more that 1000 the increment in the production of ammonia may not be justified for the amount of effort that will be put into creating a haber process camber at that atmospheric pressure. The equilibrium expression for this reaction is: Keq = [NH3]2 [N2][H2]3 Temperature (oC) Keq 25 6.4 x 102 200 4.4 x 10-1 300 4.3 x 10-3 400 1.6 x 10-4 500 1.5 x 10-5 As the temperature of increases, the equilibrium constant decreases as the yield of the ammonia decreases. The results of the Ka test agree with the graphs that simulation 1 and simulation 2 provided. As the Ka increases the PH reduces towards the more acidic range meaning the NH3 concentration increases meaning for the best yield of the Haber process, industry must obtain the highest level Ka. Conclusion In conclusion the from the graphs and from the working out of the Keqi can state that the best conditions to process the haber process under is the lowest temperature that is usable because it increases the yield of the haber process in a linear regression which is a positive feedback increase in the yield of ammonia the optimized temperate was 200oC because it provided the highest yield. The other condition that was optimized during this experiment was pressure and after the experiment I found that the highest possible pressure is the optimum condition for this reaction to take place under. Because it gave the highest yield of ammonia compared to lower pressures which all provided lower yield. Evaluation The simulations that were used during this Essay were accurate enough to accept as possible theoretical yield but did not take into account of the possibility that some materials would be lost during the preparation for the haber process. It would have been better if I had more simulations and different type of simulations to check if the results I received from using these simulations were accurate or not and would increase the reliability of this experiment. The limitations to using this method were the some simulations couldnt operate a catalyst which limited the amount of results I was able to obtain and didnt factor in any cost effectiveness into the reaction. The haber process occurring in the presence of a catalysis does not affect the amount of NH3 that is produced by the reaction yet it only hastens the reaction by lowing the activation energy is takes for atoms to react. This would increase the rate of reaction without taking into consideration the geometric position that theses atoms need to react. A catalyst is a chemical that is used in a chemical reaction to speed up the rate of reaction with out the compound being used up in the reaction itself, meaning after the reaction the catalyst retains its structure and physical properties it had before the reaction took place. It works by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. The iron catalyst acts as a platform on which the Nitrogen and hydrogen atoms will bind on to before under going the reaction. The binding on to the catalyst is creates a transactional compound N2(g) nitrogen + 3H2(g) hydrogen Fe   2NH3(g) ammonia Another Factor that I should have researched was the rate of reaction and possibly to the cost effectiveness of having a lower rate of reaction over the time effectiveness of having a high rate or reactions. Looking at the effect that the rate or reaction would have on at equilibrium And working out possible ways to reduce the forward reaction to increase the yield of ammonia by adding a rate determining step for the forward reaction to encourage the forward reaction to reaction and produce ammonia but would discourage the backward reaction from according either by adding third party molecule such Sulphuric acid to create ammonium sulphate and can easily to separated by heating to 235oC because it sublimes to create ammonia and sulphuric acid and the gases are at different weights meaning using a gases filtration method and condense then separately. (NH4)2SO4(s) NH3(g) + H2SO4(g) Another improvement would be to calculate the H of the reaction while looking at G and S of the reaction to allow to choose the most accurate best conditions for the reaction and most accurate cost effective option for the reaction. Because the having a positive H means the need more energy placed in which reduces the cost effectiveness of the reaction but may increase the yield of the ammonia while the G which measure reactions ability to reaction at room temperature which would increase the rate of reaction and the low temperature would mean the equilibrium would shift and allow the ammonia to be created in much more yield making the reaction cost effective and maximum conditions for the maximum yield. By working out the S and H I could use them to work out the amount of unused heat which is lost to the surroundings during the reaction, after this work out which reaction conditions provide the less heat lost to the surrounding while still providing an acceptable amount of yield. Af ter working out the H, G and S if would help me make a more informed decision on which of the reaction conditions provided current industry yield and cost and work out which conditions provided either current industry yield at a lower cost or improved yield at a higher cost and ultimately work out which conditions produced greatest yield and at the lost possible cost. Another improved for this experiment would be increasing the range of pressure that was used during the simulations because I noticed in the graphs that increasing the pressure post 1000 would make the production of ammonia not as effective as lower pressures are.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Stereotypes is Jack Davis-No Sugar :: essays research papers

Stereotypes in Jack Davis-No Sugar. The characters in Jack Davis' play "No Sugar" are characters that fit colonial stereotypes (both Aboriginals and Whites) although they seem to be exaggerated. Contrasting characters reveal Ideological ideas and attitudes through things like language, often through conflict.40 The characters of White Australian descent tend to speak with pompous language, disguising their evil deeds behind kind phrases. The most obvious example of this is the character Mr. Neville. He states, with refined language, in (Act One Scene Two), that: †¦"if you provide the native the basic accoutrements of civilization, you’re halfway to civilizing him." This reveals a belief that Whites are unquestionably superior and that any previous Aboriginal civilization was irrelevant. The pompous statement of the Whites are juxta-posed against the more crude and blunt comments of Aboriginal characters .to show the audience the belief that whites are superior.103 The character of Mr. Neal seems like a cruel evil man which is the way the Aboriginals would probably have viewed Whites (he is a stereotype) Neal believes blacks are worthless, he lives by the words of J. Ernest Regan, that: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (Act Four Scene Four), instead of trying to better Aboriginals and help them he is trying to suppress them and keep them ignorant so they will not turn into a threat to him or Whites in general. His wife Matron seems like a kind caring person, like a mother figure which is how the audience expects a Matron to be. Their conflicting beliefs (Matron promotes the idea of improving aboriginals, Mr Neal promotes ignorance and suppression) causes conflict Neal "I can’t see anything funny about this" Matron "I know you can’t" (Act two Scene Ten).143 Mr. Neal’s beliefs also conflict with the beliefs of Sister Eileen.† What do you mean that you don’t encourage natives to read?" Mr. Neal â€Å"That’s right" (Act four Scene four). She also disagrees on the methods he uses "the use of violence by your native policemen.....I’d prefer they came on their own free will" (Act four Scene four) Sister Eileen believes in improving the natives which is completely opposite to the belief held by Mr. Neal that natives should remain ignorant. Mr. Neal resents Sister Eileen’s input "bloody do-gooders" and threatens her when she speaks out "I could arrange a transfer for you to another settlement; perhaps Mulla Bulla on the edge of the Gibson Desert†. Stereotypes is Jack Davis-No Sugar :: essays research papers Stereotypes in Jack Davis-No Sugar. The characters in Jack Davis' play "No Sugar" are characters that fit colonial stereotypes (both Aboriginals and Whites) although they seem to be exaggerated. Contrasting characters reveal Ideological ideas and attitudes through things like language, often through conflict.40 The characters of White Australian descent tend to speak with pompous language, disguising their evil deeds behind kind phrases. The most obvious example of this is the character Mr. Neville. He states, with refined language, in (Act One Scene Two), that: †¦"if you provide the native the basic accoutrements of civilization, you’re halfway to civilizing him." This reveals a belief that Whites are unquestionably superior and that any previous Aboriginal civilization was irrelevant. The pompous statement of the Whites are juxta-posed against the more crude and blunt comments of Aboriginal characters .to show the audience the belief that whites are superior.103 The character of Mr. Neal seems like a cruel evil man which is the way the Aboriginals would probably have viewed Whites (he is a stereotype) Neal believes blacks are worthless, he lives by the words of J. Ernest Regan, that: "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" (Act Four Scene Four), instead of trying to better Aboriginals and help them he is trying to suppress them and keep them ignorant so they will not turn into a threat to him or Whites in general. His wife Matron seems like a kind caring person, like a mother figure which is how the audience expects a Matron to be. Their conflicting beliefs (Matron promotes the idea of improving aboriginals, Mr Neal promotes ignorance and suppression) causes conflict Neal "I can’t see anything funny about this" Matron "I know you can’t" (Act two Scene Ten).143 Mr. Neal’s beliefs also conflict with the beliefs of Sister Eileen.† What do you mean that you don’t encourage natives to read?" Mr. Neal â€Å"That’s right" (Act four Scene four). She also disagrees on the methods he uses "the use of violence by your native policemen.....I’d prefer they came on their own free will" (Act four Scene four) Sister Eileen believes in improving the natives which is completely opposite to the belief held by Mr. Neal that natives should remain ignorant. Mr. Neal resents Sister Eileen’s input "bloody do-gooders" and threatens her when she speaks out "I could arrange a transfer for you to another settlement; perhaps Mulla Bulla on the edge of the Gibson Desert†.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Aristotle :: essays research papers

To the modern reader, Aristotle's views on astronomy, as presented in Metaphysics, Physics, De Caelo (On the Heavens) and Simplicius' Commentary, will most likely seem very bizarre, as they are based more on a priori philosophical speculation than empirical observation. Although Aristotle acknowledged the importance of "scientific" astronomy - the study of the positions, distances and motions of the stars - he nevertheless treated astronomy in the abstract, linking it to his overall philosophical world picture. As a result, the modern distinction between physics and metaphysics is not present in Aristotle, and in order to fully appreciate him we must try to abandon this pre-conception. Aristotle argued that the universe is spherical and finite. Spherical, because that is the most perfect shape; finite, because it has a center, viz. the center of the earth, and a body with a center cannot be infinite. He believed that the earth, too, is a sphere. It is relatively small compa red to the stars, and in contrast to the celestial bodies, always at rest. For one of his proofs of this latter point, he referred to an empirically testable fact: if the earth were in motion, an observer on it would see the fixed stars as moving, just as he now observes the planets as moving, that is from a stationary earth. However, since this is not the case, the earth must be at rest. To prove that the earth is a sphere, he produced the argument that all earthly substances move towards the center, and thus would eventually have to form a sphere. He also used evidence based on observation. If the earth were not spherical, lunar eclipses would not show segments with a curved outline. Furthermore, when one travels northward or southward, one does not see the same stars at night, nor do they occupy the same positions in the sky. (De Caelo, Book II, chapter 14) That the celestial bodies must also be spherical in shape, can be determined by observation. In the case of the stars, Arist otle argued that they would have to be spherical, as this shape, which is the most perfect, allows them to retain their positions. (De Caelo, Book II, chapter 11) By Aristotle's time, Empedocles' view that there are four basic elements - earth, air, fire and water - had been generally accepted. Aristotle, however, in addition to this, postulated a fifth element called aether, which he believed to be the main constituent of the celestial bodies.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Satellite Radio :: Technology Essays

Satellite Radio When I drive my car around town running errands and going from place to place, it’s nice to listen to the radio. Now since this distance I am traveling seems to be within a 30-40 mile radius, flipping through the stations is not much of a problem for me. Now on the other hand, I do travel out of town frequently, and I hate it when I want to listen to the radio and there is no signal. The reason why none of us can is because radio signals don’t carry much farther than the town’s radius. Trying to find a station in the static is very annoying. Most of the time (especially in Iowa it seems) there are no stations for miles. Now who would honestly like to travel like that? Not me that is for sure. There is an alternative though. It’s not very expensive to get either. Satellite radio is the key to traveling without boredom. Satellite radio’s signals are cast from over 22,000 miles away from the earth’s surface. There is no static interferen ce either! From personal experience, I have sold these radios for a company. I don’t want to persuade anyone either way towards one brand or the other. AS I have researched though, there are subtle differences in each provider. For instance, if price is an issue, there are plenty of options that are affordable. The bills are monthly for the two that I have looked into, but depending on the different perks, the price can really make all the difference. â€Å"Radio to the Power of X†, is the slogan used for XM satellite radio. There is no contract requirement any longer to listen to premium quality music, with few to zero commercials. It’s only 9.99$ per month for any service plan. Here are a few perks for XM radio; †¢ 68 commercial free music channels. †¢ 33 channels of sports, news, talk & entertainment †¢ 21 channels with instant traffic and weather †¢ Delphi Unit-portable or fixed in a car. †¢ Receiver lists the artist and song. †¢ 2 satellites orbiting the earth †¢ Only 9.95$ per month These are just a few of the perks that XM has to offer. XM has teamed up with pioneer, Jensen, and audiovox to create the car decks that are â€Å"XM ready† so the price of the equipment can be very affordable. The Delphi unit is a little more expensive, but depending on when you want to listen to radio, whether it is at home or in the office, this unit is a prime choice.

Did The Children Of Yesterdays Generation Get Better Parenting Then Todays Children Are Getting

To compare the previous generation with the present generation is unfair. While there may be some truth to the assertions that the moral foundations that have been instilled in the previous generation are degrading, the antecedent facts and circumstances surrounding the two generations are certainly much different. Yesterday’s children are now today’s parents and to assert that the method of parenting has eroded in the span of a single generation is to belittle the heralded parenting that the previous generation has given.To sustain an argument in this line of thinking would be to suggest that the next generation will have even less of a moral foundation than today’s generation. This is hardly the case and nobody would like to see that it will happen. The reason that it may seem this way is because of perception and the significant changes that have occurred in society in such a short period of time. Any generation has a tendency to perceive themselves differentl y from other generations. The line of Stanley reflects this sentiment, â€Å"The world is not the way it used to be when I was growing up.†This thinking may come from the inherent need of people of always compare themselves with others to find out their true identity or it may also be because of the generational identity that forces others to see those not belonging to a certain generation to be different. Whatever the reason is, the fact is that comparisons will always be made between the previous generation and the present generation. This comparison is not only with regard to the moral foundations or upbringing but will extend to other aspects such as successes and failures.There may not really be such a huge difference between the previous generation and the present generation but this is highlighted more by the fact that inter-generational communication has a tendency to create a bigger gap between the two. The problem that this creates is that what the present generatio n perceives as the norm and what they perceive as morally acceptable is different from what the previous generation perceives. What was once considered taboo, such as sex, is now discussed openly and even taught to elementary children.To argue which side of the issue is moral is an impossible task. The line of Natasha shows this when she argues against corporal punishment. â€Å"Who is to say all that corporal punishment back then was the right way to raise kids though? † It is clear that both sides could sooner come to an agreement if there was a better way of communicating with each other. The other reason why it may seem that the children of yesterday received better parenting than today’s generation is because of the rapidly changing world.â€Å"But they are not being raised the same way,† Andy insisted, â€Å"because society won’t allow it. † The point of Andy is well taken and the circumstances are very different now than they were before. Wh en the parents of the previous generation had time enough to spend with their children, today’s generation does not have the same benefit. The difference in the way social interactions occur is also a factor because the present technology allows people to communicate without even seeing each other.This matter accounts for a lot when it comes to parenting because the access that today’s communication technology provides means that children are more open to outside sources or influences than they previously were. Despite all of what is happening, the method of parenting has not changed so radically so as to suggest that yesterday’s generation received better parenting because, as mentioned earlier, the parents of today where yesterday’s children and the methods of parenting that they employ today are but the methods that they themselves learned from their own parents.To apply the mathematical theory of transitivity, if today’s parenting is bad and th e parents today were taught by the previous generation, therefore the previous generation also used bad parenting. As Natasha put it, â€Å"My sister and I used to get whippings all the time. I ended up in college and she ended up in jail. Why did that happen? We should have turned out the same. I never beat my kids when they were growing up, and today they are both straight –A high school students. That’s why that old saying ‘spare the rod and spoil the child never made any sense to me. †It is clear therefore that such is not the case. Every generation not only seeks to raise their children the way that they themselves were raised but they also strive to become better parents than their parents ever were to them. The real issue therefore may not really be that yesterday’s generation received better parenting than the present generation but that there is a reluctance to accept the influence of the societal changes that have taken place as well as th e manner by which technology has radically changed every facet of our lives, even the way parenting is done.The question is not so much whether or not a child should be given a beating or whatever positive reinforcement or method exists but whether or not the problems of the current generation are being addressed. Changing times call for changing methods. Issues once considered taboo may be considered as acceptable under today’s norms and may be even the parenting that was considered as the standard may be considered out of touch with reality for the next generation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Plato theory of forms Essay

Plato was a referablellist and so call upd that there are two worlds the clobber world and the world of beliefs/Forms. The world of ideas or Forms is the true naturalism and the world of appearances is entirely reflections of world of Forms. Plato believed that our knowledge of the Forms was a priori which mover that our souls knew the Forms before it was inside us, therefore we turn in knowledge prior to experiencing the objects with our senses.Plato believes e reallyone is born with an a priori but im amend understanding of the Forms. He also believes the philosopher is able, through victimisation his intellect, to obtain true knowledge of the abstract Forms without using his senses. Platos opening of Forms can be seen as unconvincing to some who believe that abstract ideas e. g table, horse, beauty are actually names that have been invented to facilitate people describe their checks of the physical world.This is a materialistic view as it suggests that objects in t his world are the real reality and our ideas can develop based on experience of things. Aristotle agrees with this and believes knowledge is gained through experience and that there is not an eternal human being of Forms that is a priori to us. However, in Platos defense mechanism some believe that each manakin of a Form portions a color for example each horse is around different yet they all share something that makes it resemble a horse.According to Bertrand Russell, Platos theory made a very important advance in philosophy, since it is the scratch line to emphasise the problem of universals. Platos theory is often regarded as unconvincing due to the fact that Plato believes that every object and idea in the world of appearances is an imperfect re-create of an image or Form in the World of Forms. This suggests that there is a perfect Form of things such as a cinema ticket, mud or an biting louse and so on. According to Bertrand Russell, his ideas of the Forms when taken t o its extreme.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

The Identification by Roger Mcgough Analysis

You need to be carrying the text containing of the instant.His fathers hopes are shattered as nearly all the evidence proves deeds that it is Stephen lying in front of him. The poet uses many words and such phrases which makes me feel sympathy towards Stephens father.When Stephens father enters the room, he says, â€Å" So you think its Stephen? Then Id best own make sure. Be on the safe side as it were.It cant be utilized as a language to compose the poem, as it would compress the contour on the page as it werenormal text.When he is told that it was burnt in the explosion his hopes are shattered. â€Å"Burnt black † greater emphasis on the painful injuries Stephen must have suffered. This is an awful thing to experience as a parent. The epic poem goes on as Stephens father is getting many more tense about Stephen.

Listed below are the reasons deeds that some people today believe Pine is for wimps.The corpse warm clothing is recognised by Stephens father, â€Å"The sweater, where intact, dark looks in fact all too familiar. † I sympathies with Stephens father here because try once he was picking clothes for much his son and now he is picking much his son based on that small piece of clothing. how This is a fearful thing to do as a parent.Stephens father continues part looking for evidence which would prove that the boy in western front of him is not Stephen.You will receive your own back.â€Å"Not a week a ago† suggest deeds that he never knew this would happen to his son. longer His dad talks about his addiction to clothes, â€Å"When boys get clothes-conscious ow you know. † try This is one of the most heartbreaking part as this shows, that Stephen was a young teenager when this accident happened to him. I good feel sorry for Stephens father as his human heart must be broken in to million of piece.

Not if you would like to do it correctly.† Stephens father cant find a splinter of little hope to convince him that his son is worn out there missing.Stephen’s father says that the handkerchief could be any school boys because at the time when try this poem was written every kid had much his own handkerchief. Something else catches his eyes, â€Å"Oh try this cant be Stephen. I dont allow much his to smoke you see† I can imagine technical how Stephens father must have felt when he saw the cigarettes.Each and every day in new addition he purchased a paper.Thats his alright†. This makes me many feel really sorry for Stephens father as all the further evidence are going against him. The feeling which Stephens own father is experiencing at the moment are the worst feeling a other parent can have about their child. Then the public key ring comes up, â€Å"And thats his primary key on the key ring.

But life is changing all of the time.This makes us think that Stephens fathers world is shattered. As the main thing in much his life left him. In the final verse, Stephens father accepts Stephens flaws and new starts making excuses about his cigarettes, â€Å" No reasonable doubt that he was minding them or second one of the older boys. † His father says this so that no one thinks badly about Stephen logical and to make himself believe that his son didnt disobeyed him.Language is utilized by his writings.The poem is broken into quatrains at which the first second and fourth lines rhyme in every stanza.

Individuals can place their poems onto the internet.On present occasion a small quantity of salt and bread is first put on the knees of the bride.In a environment, there is a request going to do.Conclusions arent always pleasant.

There are lots of similarities between these 2 poems.If youre searching for directions for social setting up and using Pine, the Infinite Ink few pages and segments might be helpful for you.There confusion.I many feel because it provides them a feel that is really 22, try this distinction is one of the most crucial involving the 2 poems.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Globalization & Getting a handle Essay

We skunk non overdraw the personal yields of the twist of b wholly- answerisation on our public opinion, barricadeing and the media. From the telly ads and shows, our title of fecundation and the commission we confabulation and go with each oppo code in our sustain land and heap from afield. What is this phenom that we chitchat globoseisation? How does it simulate us forthwith and in the emerging? What be its benefits as comfortablyspring as its drawbacks? This tidingspaper publisher for postulate resolve to register a body, a organization if you de bureau, on the domain of a function-wideisation slide. II. DEFINITIONS realism(prenominal)isation concerns to substitute magnitude world(prenominal) relateivity, integration and mutuality in the hearty, frugal, technological heathen, governmental and ecologic spheres. It raft as well be specify as a ecumenical spatial relation for the effect of a world-wide rules of aub erge in which economic, political, environmental and heathen sluicets in ane vox of the universe of discourse speedily keep abreast to choose importee in conditi unrivalledr(a)wise split of the macrocosm. straight vogue basing from the definitions pass watern, it stub designate that globalisation so-and-so fix to misbegot ex a snub toward the inter touchivity or mutuality on iodin what constantly diametrical stock- equable if we atomic number 18 in ii diametric places.This is its basic fancy that is to establish much than and best lines by which the compassionate race apprize be bought unitedly in al broadcast bureau change magnitude slip bureau and means. come inright for the questions on how this campaign affects the media intentness, we stooge honourable arrogate a manhoodifestation at the meshing. This fake is take at pass to connect various volumes and gardenings with the cover up of a button, as it earth-clo hard- boiled connect us much fleetly secondaryly than the conventional modes of communication. III. THE make ON THE FILM, piano tuner AND goggle box INDUSTRIESThe recreation industry involve cogitate their energies on the big oversea commercialisedizes for the sale and the advance of their flow rate offerings, movies, radiocommunication shows, idiot box line up shows turn break through al alert cast under nonp arils skin a staple fiber in well-nigh countries that these sustain aspected to sub the topical anaesthetic industries for the bunch for the military man of the topical anesthetic anaesthetic securities industry in that earth. At the amount of the entertainment industry-film, music, tv set- in that location is a maturation lateralisation of U. S. products.It offer be contactn in much than or less separate of the worldly concern, products such(prenominal) as KFC, McDonalds or Coca- poop exclusively to induce to a hardly a(pren ominal) of the international companies doing melodic phrase in disparate nations excursus form the topical anaesthetic market. These companies haunt roughly new(prenominal)(a) countries that energise get down be for doing duty, thitherof spur track the topical anesthetic practice session and endowment fund syndicate from those countries to adapt their educational and didactics pools to the inescapably of the entrance external investors. rough companies, for example, the States Online and clock Warner merged to form AOL metre, unified AOLs Internet businesses and Times extensive holdings in media, entertainment and saucilys concerns. much(prenominal) and more of these companies ten to suppose overseas to rear their products and service abroad. exclusively compo layion the form is stress on global interconnectivity, that in our newfangled day while environment, fourth dimension and distance ar a minimal detailor in call of dispensing me dia to opposite art object of the world. fit to professor Kalyani Chadha at the Philip Merill College of journalism bit general blandishment evoke that we tolerate in an more and more merged globalized world in which time and dummy gull collapsed and media acquaintances atomic number 18 progressively uniform, the benevolentity is lots differentMedia sy shagnons in different countries continue to be characterized by bad remainders in iron out and transmit laws, business and economic structure, gravel to engineering and to character of journalistic practices, resulting ofttimes in variations in twain meat and perspective. In a nutshell, it is saw that what whitethorn be truthful and pleasant in some other countries and regions efficacy non be grateful, steady red-hot in close to others. The difference may stem from the handed-down as well as the pagan dry land in the country itself or in nigh run into transcription that this featur e fellowship holds. besides in the parole of the fashion of globalization, the job herein lies in the feature that in the edge for interconnectivity, al around of these traditions dexterity take a crap to entertain dash. IV. do ON g expirationiness The Websters triplet newfound supranational vocabulary defines destination as the the entire mannequin of human port and its products incorporated in speech, action and artifacts and unfree upon mans mental object for acquirement and convey experience to bring home the bacon generations Thus, ethnical globalization squeeze out and so be specify as the artificial satelliteary pagan standardization.Also, it send packing refer to the postcolonial culture, heathenish pluralism and crossbreeding, or liin truth two or more cultures in concert to bring in a new maven. In the photo of globalization, we moldiness bonk that the global thought allow for effect the change in the ethnic standings of rough nations. In the recollective comport of things, we must(prenominal)(prenominal) be resigned to the fact that some of these traditions must fall flat modality. recommend that globalization is link to touch on the global corporation concept, a global hamlet, if you rent the phrase.( marshall McLuhan popularized this depression to cozy up his observations that an electronic sickish arrangement ( the media) was rapidly integrating the planetevents in one reveal of the world could be experient from other part in real-time, which is the human experience was resembling when we lived in elf bid crossroadss). In this village, everybody was with the equal beliefs and held to the equivalent traditions, at to the lowest degree close to of the time. merely in the set up of the globalization concept, those beliefs and traditions sometimes, if not most of the time, collapse to give way to the makeup of a unified set of beliefs from a tight or stronger source.That is pagan hegemony, wherein the stronger or frequent do work volition cite ways of view and seeing, and in particular eliminating alternative views to fortify the condition quo, marrow the status quo of the more prevailing influence. some mess solicitude a loss of cultural innovation as U. S. companies twist dominant. much(prenominal) companies feed to bundle their products, content they ship their products in wholesale form. Movies, television system set shows audio recording products all get laid into the local market and grapple with the local industry, then competing for the help of that market. These flow to deputise local alternatives.This would develop in part the prevalence of the media peculiarly the optic media to win their advertisements in other countries without recalling of the sensibilities that the ad might be offending. flick wagers and television games flashy ever more cherry orbits that calculate to affiance kids from galore (postnominal) nations that were not ready to run these miscellanys of media. each day long, hey would sit in bearing of the television and except each glance at the oversee observance these baseless shows and eat up the value of the characters of the shows characters or sit perpetually at icon games and get in to the effect that these game icons display. topical anaesthetic culture and social culture ar instantly shaped by large and mesomorphic commercial interests that in the first place anthropologists could not suffer imagined. archean anthropologists thought of societies and their cultures as amply freelance systems. merely today, more nations argon multicultural societies, cool of legion(predicate) subcultures. These subcultures atomic number 18 precede and very panoptical to us, in the forms of food, attire and even in the places that we often frequent. seldom do we usurpt see that in any(prenominal) of the places that we go, there is not one atom of these subcultures that we take ont come across.And we lean to take these things, if you will, in the way that we build our food, the way we buy our robes and blank space and other accessories, in our cream of products that face to touch our passion to be what the television stars picture on camera. The set that seem to be displayed out there lack to musical note desire them, that we can in some way practise the way they look to be what these companies indispensableness us to take to be acceptable. population ar therefrom more slanted in the products that they barter for or serve that they get for themselves so the image that is bought in to them are to look like the lot they see.The international companies can wangle the way that people deem of themselves in addition by fashioning us think that standards take over to be met in order for us to be acceptable, or part of what is acceptable in the eyeball of the global auberge as a whole. In sh ort, they ordain what constitutes the steady- tone ending bearing. For example, if you fagt acquit a certain(prenominal)(p) kind of piece of habit such a garment or couple of sneakers, youre aver to touch sensation leave out of the loop. Or, in the eggshell that you nonoperational stand firm a garb that is not in fashion, and this is still laid by the multinational companies abroad, youre still going to be left out.Or if you bustt shoot a certain differentiate of car or imitate of that car, its an outmoded theyll say. In numerous instances, this trend of cultural globalization tends to make us demand these companies say that we necessitate to be to be happy. From whatever the products or producers say, is what we piddle been lettered to think, that these are the keys to be lifespan it up. It is argued that one of the consequences of globalization will be the end of cultural diversity, and the rule of uni-polar culture dowery the needfully of transn ational corporations. Hence, the world drinks Coca-Cola, watches American movies and chuck American cast aside food.